Monday, October 10, 2011

Letting Go

Standing strong today
Looking at the past
And its swaying ways.

The life that we held
Will no longer be the same.
Standing strong today.

The realization of a parting day.
The letting go 
And its swaying ways.

The dark nights parting ways,
The Gaining of self worth,
Standing strong today.

Knowing there's much more to gain
But with feelings of emptiness
And its swaying ways.

The love that once was, faded away,
But the heartache still alive, aching away.
The infinite death of a parting day
And Its swaying ways.

-Vane D. Lopez 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Beginning

It seemed like things were finally falling into place.

I was demanding respect and  I was obtaining it. 

I could still view images in my head 

So vividly as if it were just yesterday, 

But for once, hope and inner happiness embraced me,

But disbelief still burdened me,

As the scars in my heart filled me with emptiness.

Still, I saw some light underneath the darkness 

And that comforted me in a strange unusual way. 

Free At Last!!!

-Vane D. Lopez
